Here, look:

See? That kinda works, doesn’t it? I’d pick up that book.   Way back in the day and well before my time things were printed with multiple plates when you wanted something to be color. What this looks like to me is the car is printed in black and white while the woman is in color. So they have a black and white print of the image, and then a 3 color plate print of yellow/blue/red to colorize her. With that said the plates are not perfectly lined up and that is what is giving the outline effect. My wife is an author who wrote a book last year where the fact that the heroine drives a Stutz Bearcat is a fairly important plot point. Initially, her publisher went to the trouble of finding someone who owned one and was willing to have some pictures of his lovely yellow car taken for the book cover. They sent her a fantastic version with the car edited into a picture that we took of a windswept headland on a Scottish island very much like the setting of much of the book with models who looked very much like her characters. It was great! Then they scrapped that and replaced it with generic characters in a generic location and the car barely visible on the back cover. We still don’t understand why they went to so much time and trouble only to switch to something demonstrably worse. btw “Diseases of Trees and Shrubs” helped me get to sleep last night. No cars in the book*. I’ll give it a one star rating. *excepting the unindicted red car in Plate 163(F) “A honey locust repeatedly assaulted by automobile bumpers” I bought a brochure off eBay for my ‘73 D100 and I love flipping through it!

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