Here are Jason and David enjoying it (in front of an Aston Martin Virage Shooting Brake, no less). It’s so good.

It’s not too late to RSVP for the party tonight as we have a little room. Just no double-dipping! Debbie will not let you double dip. [Editor’s Note: Meet me behind the Zündapp Janus and I’ll give you a pass to double-dip. I know a guy. Just play it cool. Also, I just want to say this is a personal dream realized and it’s achingly beautiful, like a gilded eagle soaring over a glacial lake of cerulean blue water, only there’s about three feet of cooked, peeled shrimp covering everything. – JT] reaches for rust in a spray can I am awaited in Torchhalla!!! Have fun! (at least to the people that can make it there) I hope you all choke. Or get food poisoning. Or get run over by a wheelbarrow. Or eaten by a ginormous people eating shrimp. Not served pink on ice with, one assumes, some horrid, flesh-coloured gloop and available only for the Cousins. That sounds like the most frightfully infra dig way of going about it, I must say. Sounds cold. I bet the crustaceans weren’t the only shrimp in there. My bet’s on Tuesday. WHY ARE YOU NOT POSTING PICS OF THE JANUS?????!?!?!!!! That’s gotta be a sentence that has never been uttered or typed before in human history. Sorry I’ll miss this, but hopefully you’ll have more meets in the L.A. area tho’ maybe the lessons i learned decades ago were bogus, just for the theater of hygiene rather than the reality. my mind was blown in England a few years ago when my hostess never put dairy products in the frig during my stay (50’s and 60’s air temps, or i guess the teens on their scale). Swoon When I went to the Autopian meetup at Galpin a few months ago, I was stoked to see a Lagonda driving on the freeway right as I exited. I was not expecting to walk into the Galpin building and see like 6 (!) of them there. I mean, I am British and I always wear black……. Nope. Good old Heartland of America rust sauce.
If you haven’t tried shrimp with rust sauce, well… it’s an acquired taste.

The Autopian s Glorious Wheelbarrow Full Of Shrimp Is A Hit At The LA Auto Show  - 23The Autopian s Glorious Wheelbarrow Full Of Shrimp Is A Hit At The LA Auto Show  - 17The Autopian s Glorious Wheelbarrow Full Of Shrimp Is A Hit At The LA Auto Show  - 70The Autopian s Glorious Wheelbarrow Full Of Shrimp Is A Hit At The LA Auto Show  - 68