Do you see what I mean? There’s something about the central framing of the car in the city, abut the looser brushwork of the background, about the visibility of the people inside, clearly in mid conversation, those birds– everything, really. It feels like it’s just an italicized caption away from being a New Yorker cartoon. Should we try and think of some captions? That seems difficult. But let’s try: “No, Claire, that’s not Minerva, it’s Athena Nike, the goddess of victory. You can tell by the size of her rack.” “Driver, please circle around so we can check out the genitals of that horse.” “That was my great-uncle Arthur. He was the only General in the War of 1812 to surrender to Japan.” “No, I don’t think that’s a good Halloween costume idea, Charles. I’d want a horse, too.” (bird 1 to bird 2) “If you want to get it right on the windshield, hold it in until you pass right over the hood ornament.” I don’t know. Maybe you can think of better ones. In the meantime, I’m going to use this as an excuse to show my favorite Charles Addams cartoon:

Oh, it’s so good and dark. And it gets better the more you think about what’s going on! The man was a genius.     2. That’s the Sherman Memorial in a fairly affluent Manhattan neighborhood on the southeastern corner of Central Park. 3. There weren’t a lot of parking structures/lots or spaces in 1959 Manhattan. The driver is clearly waiting for a spot close to the passengers building while the passengers assess his ability to parallel park the nearly 18’ vehicle. The caption should read: “I can fit in that spot.” It’s surprising that they didn’t have a toyetic showrod like the Munsters (and for that matter the Monkees and the Beverly Hillbillies) did, that was almost de rigeur in the ’60s along with a tie-in model kit that probably has been rereleased if they can find the original tooling. I’m sure the death ray was meant to operate on 220V, which probably wasn’t available in the attorney’s office. “Curse you, WestingHOOOUUUUUUSE!” I’m sure the death ray was meant to operate on 220V, which probably wasn’t available in the attorney’s office” If it’s a Tesla it should need 50kV minimum, and DEFINITELY alternating current! Yes. Should I be concerned about my mental health when I agree with Jason? 🙂

This Feels Kind Of Like A New Yorker Cartoon  Cold Start - 59This Feels Kind Of Like A New Yorker Cartoon  Cold Start - 66